Comprar Life Extension Anti-Oxidante Rejuvenescer Hand Cream 2 oz


Life Extension Anti-Oxidante Rejuvenescer Hand Cream 2 oz


Comprar Life Extension Anti-Oxidante Rejuvenescer Hand Cream 2 oz – Banho & Beleza – Cuidados com a pele – Hidratante para mãos – Mãos & Unhas.

If you’re tired of wringing your hands over dry, discolored skin, it’s time to try the Anti-Oxidant Rejuvenating Hand Cream from Life Extension.

It’s a daily skin treatment that contains a rich blend of nutrients that help nourish and replenish your skin’s texture and appearance. The Anti-Oxidant Rejuvenating Hand Cream is specifically formulated with CoQ10, L-carnitine, vitamin E and retinol to help reduce skin discoloration, excess pigmentation and even age spots. It also works well to hydrate your skin and minimize the appearance of veins on the back of your hand. An added dose of antioxidant-rich ingredients tighten loose skin on your hands and help combat harmful free radicals from causing further damage.

The Anti-Oxidant Rejuvenating Hand Cream is one of many great skin treatments from Life Extension. Try it today at eVitamins.